how to teach diversity to kids

DEI morals start at home.

DEI is not going away. Despite recent backlash, it's becoming an increasingly fundamental part of modern society, making it crucial for parents to weave DEI principles (empathy, kindness, and respect for everyone) into family conversations and household routines. To help busy parents raise inclusive kids, we wrote a collection of quick-read guidebooks with concise, step-by-step suggestions for instilling DEI morals into daily home life.

how to teach kids diversity and inclusion, DEI parents

Parents need answers.

At the end of the day, it's parents who need answers to the inevitable questions their kids ask. And it's parents who will be having follow-up conversations, deciphering mixed messages, responding to homeschool lessons, and ultimately, steering the moral compass of the next generation.

what our customers are saying:
what our customers are saying:
This is another outstanding book in the series. It offers great support to help parents have the necessary conversations with their children about immigrants, and respecting all humans regardless of their difference. I learned many great tips on talking with my kids on this subject.
— Jay W.
what our customers are saying:
Treat yourself to a great self-help book for adults teaching children about transgender identity. The author simplifies the issue, making it easier to explain to children. Its thought-provoking but basic approach makes the book great. It goes beyond definitions by providing real-world examples and practical ways to quietly integrate transgender respect into daily conversations and activities.
— Brian F.
what our customers are saying:
Another gem from Trish Allison! This series is so important for all parents. I love how short and sweet this book is - it is filled with research and references and provides simple steps any family can implement. I want my kids to be part of the generation that embraces cultural diversity and compassion for all human beings.
— Luna93
how to teach cultural diversity at home, DEI for parents
what our customers are saying:
Not only did I appreciate the compassion and respect this book instills for teaching and discussing Native American history, but it also highlights with specific examples how kids receive information at different developmental stages. Revising history is no small task but parenting is also no small task! This is a wonderful contribution.
— Kevin K.
what our customers are saying:
Excellent series! This is the third book I have read in this series and they are all great. There are great tips on how to explain the topic, disabilities in this case, as well as further resources. Highly recommend!
— Laurel Sky
what our customers are saying:
This book has excellent suggestions and practical tips for the conversations and teachings we can and should have with our children. I love that it starts with listening. Giving example situations helps the parent see the scenario and be more prepared so it can go smoother. It's age appropriate and a great place to start. As someone who has family members in the LGBTQ community, I'll be giving this book as a gift.
— SR
what our customers are saying:
This concise to-the-point book about explaining poverty to kids deals with tough questions and answers on this really important subject for kids to know. The author really digs in to give solid and easy to follow advice without a bunch of "fluff". It's a concise easy read. If you want to go further on a given subject or chapter there are click links to valuable resources for a greater understanding. Great job on making this understandable to different degrees to reach and connect with more people. Really Good Book!
— Gmadd
what our customers are saying:
This book expertly guides parents on helping girls face and overcome gender bias. My confidence in this book series soared when I learned that all content aligns with the American Psychological Association's child development guidelines. What an awesome resource!
— Desertrose
what our customers are saying:
The DEI Parent Guidebook on religious diversity is a wonderful resource for modern parenting. I'm a homeschool mom and it helped me shape our lesson plan by integrating global respect and kindness into conversations. You can tell that a lot of research went into writing this book.
— Page Turner
what our customers are saying:
This insightful book provided valuable guidance on teaching fairness and empathy to young boys. There was a lot of practical advice and many examples I hadn't thought about before. Some of my favorite things about this book was that there is a "More Resources" section where I could look up more information or look into something specific the author mentioned in the chapter. Chapter 3, "Help Him Cultivate Empathy," was my favorite chapter.
— Paul B.
what our customers are saying:
As a grandmother who cherishes every moment with my grandkids, 'How to Teach Kids to Connect with Older People' has been a godsend! This wonderful guidebook from the DEI Parent Guidebooks series is a treasure trove of wisdom for parents like my daughter. It beautifully illustrates how to bridge the generational gap, helping children form positive relationships with grandparents, neighbors, and family friends. This is my favorite DEI book so far!
— Andrea B