DEI resources for parents, perspective taking

DEI at Home - How to Teach Kids to See Other Perspectives

Some kids seem to be born with an innate ability to comprehend others’ perspective. Other kids need a little push here and there to make sure they’re on the right...
DEI for Parents
Tagged: Empathy
how to explain immigration to kids, how do I teach my child empathy for immigrants

DEI at Home - How to Teach Kids Kindness Toward Immigrants

Refugee? Immigrant? Emigrant? Most young kids (and adults too!) don't really know the difference, or care. For kids, understanding the difference isn't nearly as important as seeing the humanness in all foreigners.  As...
DEI for Parents
How to protect kids from anti-DEI, nurturing DEI morals at home

DEI at Home - How Does Anti-DEI Rhetoric Affect Kids?

I recently read an article explaining that a conservative group wrote a guide to provide parents with the “knowledge” needed to oppose DEI. After I finished reading the article and...
DEI for Parents
how to teach diversity at home, DEI morals are taught at home

DEI at Home - Beyond the Acronym: DEI as a Parenting Imperative

Despite the latest weaponization of the DEI acronym, instilling diversity and equality values into the minds of the next generation remains a parenting imperative. Beneath the heated DEI rhetoric lies...
DEI for Parents
Tagged: Empathy
How to explain DEI to kids

Teaching Diversity at Home - How to Explain DEI to Kids

It's more important than ever for parents to ensure that their children grasp the foundational morals of diversity: equality and justice for all. However, diversity concepts are not easy for...
teach DEI at home, protecting kids from anti-DEI

DEI at Home: How to Protect Kids from Anti-DEI Words and Actions

During the next four years, kids are bound to hear anti-DEI propaganda in the media, in your community, and at school. Helping them distinguish between the harsh reality of the...
DEI for Parents
Raising kind kids, DEI for parents

DEI and Kids - Kindness Is Still a Thing

In the near future, children will be seeing images splashed everywhere of humans being treated unfairly. They need to know that’s not the right way to treat people. It’s time...
DEI for Parents
Tagged: Empathy
raising inclusive kids, how to teach DEI at home

DEI at Home - How to Guide Boys in the Age of Girl Power

The increasing growth of the girl power movement has helped girls feel more emboldened to embrace their uniqueness, strength, and confidence. While this is a good thing, it can sometimes...
DEI for Parents
DEI resources for parents, how to explain neurodiversity to kids

DEI at Home - How to Explain Neurodiversity to Kids Simply

Neurodiversity (mental differences) can be an abstract notion and often hard to understand, especially for children. This article is for parents (or whomever) with a child in their lives who is curious...
DEI for Parents
parent and child, homeschool resources for parents, how do you teach DEI at home

Teach Diversity to Kids - How Do You Teach DEI at Home?

All of the DEI Parent Guidebooks we publish help parents guide their kids toward a healthy understanding of all different types of people. Whether those people are gay, transgender, disabled, poor, older,...
DEI for Parents
boy helping another boy, teach empathy to kids

DEI at Home - How to Teach Empathy to Kids

Empathy is the ability to understand and be sensitive to other people's feelings by putting yourself (figuratively) in someone else's shoes.   Some kids seem to be born with an...
DEI for Parents
Tagged: Empathy
one human race, DEI resources for parents

Teaching Kids About Diversity - How to Explain Skin Color

Any parent who's had to stop in their tracks (and panic) when their child asks why someone's skin is so dark, will appreciate this simple answer: Your closeness to the...
DEI for Parents
Tagged: Racism

Teach diversity morals at home.